Bill 8 Solution for Ontario Municipalities

Enacted Bill 8, (Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012) all municipalities are now required to join Ontario One Call, along with every other operator of underground infrastructure.

In respect to joining ON1Call, it becomes essential for all new members to provide Digital maps and comply with regulations, technical standards and financial challenges that emanate from this process.

Trans Canada Utilities has packaged a number of services and products in order to assist Ontario municipalities to comply with the new Bill, such as:

1. Connectivity to the On1Call
2. Peak shave locating services
3. Digital Maps and GIS Systems
4. Digital GPS Mapping
5. Legacy Data, Old Data and new Field Data Integration in various types of GIS systems

The Provincial mandate intends to provide improved safety and uniformity of locating services to the excavators, reduce and/or eliminate delays on locating services that cause excessive over budgeting on public works and qualitative transparency on processes and safety standards overall.
